jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Sign language dictionary online

Nowadays we have many sources to translate from sing language to verbal lenguage. One of the most useful methods is using a video-translator. We are going to show you how it works.

In a video-translator you can search a word, a sentence or even coloquial expressions. You also have to options to search a word. You can type it in the upper box or you can look for it in alphabetic order, which is a list you have got in the left side of the page.

Then, when you select the word you are looking for, it appears a video in which a person shows you how to perform it in sign language.

You have also the possibility of using a tool in which you can save the words that look for, so that if you forget how to perform a word you have search before, you just need to go to that tool.

The page also provides you the possibility of searching words in another lenguage, apart from English, such as French, Catalan and Spanish.

The web page is: http://www.sematos.eu/index.html

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